Old Projects onto Github Pages
I’ve moved my blog over to Github Pages, and it’s working out pretty well so far. I’m using Jekyll to generate it, which works awesome for a simple blog like this.
And in the spirit of embracing Github Pages, I’ve made gh-pages branches for a couple of my dusty old projects that would work as static pages.
I built Skratch as a school project, and looking at the code now I’m actually quite happy with some of the design choices I made. Built in touch handling, localStorage for drawings and a pretty sweet color picker. The drawing code works pretty well too, some pretty funky stuff happening in skratch-tools.js in the pencilDraw and penmove functions.
Alien Quest
This was a fun little game. It’s more or less just a wireframe of a game but the gameplay is decent, and there’s a few little treats in there. It was my first and only real project using Prototype, so the code is a bit ugly in places as a result.